Broad Support for MAiD in Canada Has Caveats and Concerns
REPORT November 10th

The story of Canadian attitudes toward medical assistance in dying (MAiD), or doctor-assisted suicide, is a complex one. It is clear that general support for MAiD has increased since it has become legal, but for most Canadians, many caveats accompany their support. This public opinion survey by the Angus Reid Group, commissioned by Cardus, outlines the many caveats and concerns Canadians express about the breadth and speed of the expansion of MAiD.

Disability advocates urge Liberals to scrap its 'norm-shattering' assisted dying legislation
REPORT November 11th

Advocates say the new law could ultimately lead disabled people in particular to seek euthanasia even in cases where the patient might recover to full health.

"A recent Angus Reid poll, commissioned by Cardus, found that 77 per cent of Canadians considered access to MAID to be a basic human right. However 48 per cent of those respondents were “cautious supporters” citing concerns around potential abuses of the system, particularly for aging and vulnerable people."

The Globe & Mail
March 6, 2023

Doctors, Disability Advocates Condemn Parliamentary Committee’s Recommendation to Expand MAID Law

See Coverage
February 16, 2023

STATEMENT regarding the final report from the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying

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February 13, 2023

Majority of Canadians Opposes MAiD for Mental Illness

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City News Ottawa
February 3, 2023

Paused Expansion of Medically Assisted Suicide a Chance to Catch Up on Other Health Priorities

February 2, 2023

STATEMENT regarding the delay in the expansion of medically assisted suicide

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February 2, 2023

DÉCLARATION concernant le report de l’expansion du suicide médicalement assisté

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January 30, 2023

MAiD Expansion Will Challenge Parliament and Canada

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January 30, 2023

L’élargissement De L’aide Médicale À Mourir Défieras Le Parlement Et Le Canada

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True North
December 12, 2022

Canada’s Euthanasia Debate Is About the Very Nature of the Person

See Coverage
The Hub
December 8, 2022

Asserting a ‘Right’ to Suicide Dehumanizes the Most Vulnerable

See Coverage
City News Ottawa
December 2, 2022

Federal Justice Minister Must Clarify Comments on Suicide

December 1, 2022

STATEMENT regarding Justice Minister David Lametti’s comments on doctor-assisted suicide

Read Story
September 27, 2021

Our Inner Guide: Protecting Freedom of Conscience

Read Report
June 24, 2021

MAiD in the COVID Shade

Read Article
May 3, 2021

Overcoming Vulnerability With Dignity

Read Article