Loneliness and Social Isolation
REPORT June 29th

This backgrounder is intended to provide context for Cardus’s focus on loneliness and social isolation. Cardus research is intended not only to raise awareness and provide insight into a particular area of public life, but also to stimulate action and behavioural changes that have a positive impact on social flourishing.

Extreme Social Isolation and Loneliness Affect Almost One Quarter of Canadians
REPORT June 17th

Survey identifies pockets of resilience against isolation and loneliness in Canadian society.

C2C Journal
January 19, 2023

A Kingdom of One: The Great Loneliness Pandemic and What (Not) to do About it

See Coverage
November 26, 2021

Shouting Myself Hoarse for Life

Read Article
November 11, 2021

Is Canada Worth Our Sacrifice?

Read Article
November 1, 2021

That All Faiths Feel At Home

Read Article
October 8, 2021

Have We Become Not-Canada?

Read Article
September 16, 2021

Ambivalent Embodiment

Read Article
February 24, 2021

COVID’s Media Monologue

Read Article
February 11, 2021

Review: A Deeper Way of Living

Read Article
February 11, 2021

Post Script: Designing for Trust

Read Article
November 18, 2020

COVID's Contagion of Disbelief

Read Article
November 13, 2020

COVID Hope From Healthy Families

Read Article
June 29, 2020

Loneliness and Social Isolation

Read Report
April 16, 2020

A Sailor's Hour at Home

Read Article
April 13, 2020

The Ties That Bind Even Solitary Sailors

Read Article
April 2, 2020

Corona of Thorns

Read Article