The Hidden Economy: How Faith Helps Fuel Canada’s GDP
REPORT September 21st

This report summarizes the first documented quantitative national estimates of the economic value of religion to Canadian society. 

The study's mid-range estimate puts the value of religion to Canadian society at more than $67 billion annually.

It turns out religion is good for Canada’s economy
REPORT October 19th

It may be time to take a second look at the public relevance of religion for the most unexpected reason; economics. 

"It’s generally overlooked, but Canada’s religious tapestry makes massive economic and social contributions to local communities and to Canada’s well-being each year," writes Stephen Lazarus in the Hamilton Spectator.

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Hamilton Spectator
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It turns out religion is good for Canada’s economy

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QR Calgary
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How faith fuels Canada's GDP

AM900 CHML Hamilton
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National Post
September 21, 2020

Religion and its services contribute $67.5 billion to the Canadian economy, calculates new study

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September 21, 2020

The Hidden Economy: How Faith Helps Fuel Canada’s GDP

Read Report